Diplomatic clearance
The Diplomatic Protocol of the Ministry od Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, in consultation with the competent authorities, grants diplomatic clearances to foreign state aircraft for:
- humanitarian flights,
- transfer of V.I.P. and official delegations,
- transfer of diplomatic consignment,
- search and rescue flights,
- operational and training flights,
- air show,
- contingency missions of non-commercial nature and flights related to the repair of state aircrafts in the territory of the Slovak Republic
Operators of foreign state aircraft must observe the air traffic regulations laid down in international conventions (ICAO) and the Slovak national legislation (Aeronautical Information Publication - AIP Slovac Republic). Foreign state aircraft flying over or landing in the Slovak Republic are subject to prior clearance from the competent Slovak authorities.
State flights (civil purpose)
The flight notification (a diplomatic note with the application form
REQUEST FOR DIPLOMATIC OVERFLIGHT/LANDING CLEARENCE (doc; 48.64 KB) and the flight plan attached) must be sent to the Diplomatic Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republicminimum 3 working days before the scheduled flight.
The requests must be sent exclusively via e-mail to overflight@mzv.sk. After the working hours (from 3.30 p.m. CET till 7.30 a.m. CET) and during weekends and public holidays only humanitarian flights and VIP flights will be administered, through the diplomatic duty officer of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic who has an access to the e-mail box
In case the country was granted the reciprocal annual permission, the permission number must be filled in the request form in the field “RECIPROCAL PERMISSION NUMBER”.
In case of additional requests due to the change of the time of overflight/landing, the issued diplomatic clearance permission could be valid -/+ 72 hours from the last update of the flight plan which was sent to the Diplomatic Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic. However, such a request must be submitted to the Diplomatic Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic in a prescribed form ( “REQUEST FOR DIPLOMATIC OVERFLIGHT/LANDING CLEARANCE””) in the field “NOTE”.
The Diplomatic Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic draws Diplomatic Missions´ attention to the rigorous completion of the prescribed form, which must unconditionally have the Embassy's stamp and signature. Incomplete applications will be returned for the correction.
State flights (military purpose)
The term “State flights (military purpose)” refers to air transport of foreign armed forces and military material and to air transport carried out for foreign armed forces by military or civil aircraft used or contracted for this purpose by foreign armed forces. For flights of state military aircraft over the territory of the Slovak Republic which are in compliance with the annual reciprocal diplomatic permission, the notification must be sent at least 3 working days before the planned flight to the Centre for the Management of Operations of the Air Force Headquarters of the Slovak Republic to e-mail addresses
nzcrvo@mil.sk and also to
pohotovost_strrop@mil.sk. The Diplomatic Protocol should also be informed in the copy of this request (
overflight@mzv.sk). The reciprocal permission number (if applicable) must be filled in the request form in the field “RECIPROCAL PERMISSION NUMBER”.
The Signatory Countries of “Technical Arrangement Concerning Diplomatic Clearances for Participants´ Military Transport Aircraft” should use the European Defence Agency (EDA) form in accordance with the deadlines and instructions on the
EDA site specified for the Slovak Republic .
Airplane with hazardous cargo on board
Landing at the military airport at the territory of the Slovak Republic (airports in cities of Malacky, Sliač and Prešov)
– this does not aplly to signatory countries of the Technical Arrangement Concerning Diplomatic Clearances for Participants’ Military Transport Aircraft (TA EDA). This exemption does not apply if dangerous goods are on the board in the current flight.
These overflights/landings are not entitled for the annual reciprocal permission. A request for the flight/landing over the territory of the Slovak Republic with
dangerous cargo on board (including explosive material, weapons, ammunition and armed persons) is necessary to be sent to the Diplomatic Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
to the email address overflight@mzv.sk at least 10 days before the scheduled flight, as opinions from the competent institutions of the Slovak Republic are needed. In this regard, we call for compliance with the set deadline. Otherwise, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs does not guarantee the approval of your application within the required deadline.
If there is no dangerous material on board, but the aircraft will land at a military airport, the deadline for sending the application is 3 working days before the flight.
Commercial and other types of flights
Non-scheduled flights of foreign civil aircraft is granted by:
Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic
Directorate General of Civil Aviation , Directorate of Civil Aviation
Námestie Slobody 6
P.O. Box 100
81005 Bratislava I
Slovak Republic
The procedure for granting a clearance is published in the Aeronautical Information Publication – AIP Slovak Republic. Clearance requests should be submited by flight operators in accodance with standard procedures without the assistance of diplomatic missions.