The Diplomatic Corps List

The heads of diplomatic missions and other diplomats accredited to the Slovak Republic are included in The Diplomatic Corps List, which is published and updated by the Diplomatic Protocol Department on the website of the Ministry in the Slovak language and in the English language. In order for the List to be updated, any changes of address, personnel or other contact details need to be communicated to the DPD.

The order of precedence at a mission is determined exclusively by the head of the mission on the basis of the rank of the diplomatic staff. The second name entered on the Diplomatic Corps List is usually the person designated to deputise for the head of the diplomatic mission.

In order to facilitate the publication and updates of the Diplomatic Corps List, an accreditation form is available; this form contains the following information fields to be completed:

  • List of the staff of the diplomatic mission, consular post or international organisation accredited to the Slovak Republic, their rank and order, marital status and the names of their spouses;
  • Date of presentation of the letters of credence, alternatively, the date of receipt of the agrément;
  • Up-to-date address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and website link of the diplomatic mission, consular office or international organisation accredited in the Slovak Republic,
  • National day;
  • A permanent, 24/7 contact at the diplomatic mission, consular office or international organisation to be used in case of emergency (this information is solely for the MFA and will not be published);
  • Any additional information which the diplomatic mission, consular office or international organisation would like to have published (please refer to the form).


The Dean of the Diplomatic Corps heads the diplomatic corps in the Slovak Republic. This position is currently held by the Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See, who represents the diplomatic corps accredited to the Slovak Republic and always stands first in order of precedence among the heads of missions. The post of Dean is not a diplomatic rank, but an honorary function. The Dean may also act on behalf of the diplomatic corps in certain matters when the diplomatic corps so agrees.

The date and order of the presentation of the letters of credence to the President of the Slovak Republic determine the order of precedence among the heads of missions in the diplomatic corps. 


The Diplomatic Corps List

The Diplomatic Corps List - Accreditation Form
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